Losing and Finding my Medium Mojo

Laura Eve
3 min readAug 9, 2022

The ups and downs of this turbulent relationship

colourful arrows in a woodland — one pointing up and one pointing down
Photo by Susan Q Yin on Unsplash

I love Medium.

There. I said it.

I think it’s a great Medium (!) to explore various genres of work and expand our reading in an easy-to-navigate way.

I mean, we get access to some amazingly talented writers who are based all over the world. I can read about people’s opinions in New Zealand, Chile, or France. I can relate to Rita in Riga or like Lena’s poems in Paris. It’s inspiring but it’s also kinda, let’s be honest, intimating at times!

No, I am not affiliated with Medium.

No, this is not a sponsored post.

This is me simply stating my feelings towards this platform.

I started writing on Medium as a way to express myself. I started with poetry (most of which I have since deleted) and then moved on to more specific content.

First I talked about the things I knew — living abroad and being an ‘expat’ then I moved on to more pressing topics such as YouTube and marketing and I even dabbled in some dating advice.

My journey with Medium hasn’t been an easy one

Of course, I’d seen Zulie Rane and the like and hoped I could make myself a nice little side earner……

